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Insure tool to debug c++

TCA - Configuration Files

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Configuration Files

Insure++ tools read options from files called .psrc, which may exist at various locations in the file system. These options control the behavior of Insure++, TCA, and programs compiled with Insure++. More information about these files and options can be found in the Insure++ User's Guide, but some of the relevant sections have been reproduced here.


Insure++ configuration files are simple ASCII files created and modified with a normal text editor.

Entries which begin with the character `#' are treated as comments and ignored, as are blank lines.

All keywords can be specified in either upper or lower case, and embedded underbar characters (`_') are ignored. Arguments can normally be entered in either case, except where this has specific meaning, such as in directory or file names.

If a line is too long, or would look better on multiple lines, you can use the `\' character as a continuation line.

Option values

The following sections describe the interpretation of the various parameters. They are divided into two classes: compile time and runtime. Modifying one of the former options requires that files be recompiled before it can take effect. The latter class merely requires that the program be executed again.

Some options have default values, which are printed in the following section in boldface.


A number of the Insure++ options can specify filenames for various configuration and/or output files. You may either enter a simple filename or give a template which takes the form of a string of characters with tokens such as "%d", "%p", or "%V" embedded in it. Each of these is expanded to indicate a certain property of your program as indicated in the following tables. The first table lists the options that can be used at both compile and runtime.

%a Machine architecture on which you are running, e.g., sun4, aix4, hp10, etc.
%c Abbreviated name of the compiler you are using, e.g., cc, gcc, xlC, etc.
%r Insure++ version number, e.g. 4.0
%R Insure++ version number without '.' characters, e.g., version 4.0 becomes 40.
%t .tgs file format version number, e.g., 4.0.0.
%T Similar to '%t' but with '.' characters removed.

This second table lists the tokens available only at runtime.

%d Time of program compilation in format: YYMMDDHHMMSS
%D Time of program execution in format: YYMMDDHHMMSS
%n Integer sufficient to make filename unique, starting at 0
%p Process I.D.
%v Name of executable
%V Directory containing executable

Thus, the option


might generate a report file with the name

You can also include environment variables in these filenames so that


generates the same filename as the previous example, but also insures that the output is placed in the tca sub-directory of the user's home directory.

Options used by TCA

The coverage analysis process consists of the following three stages:

  • Compiling applications with Insure++ and building their coverage analysis database (usually named
  • Running test cases against applications that have been compiled with coverage analysis enabled, which creates entries in the TCA log file (usually named tca.log).
  • Running the tca analysis tool to see the coverage analysis results.

The sections below each describe options appropriate to one of these stages.


insure++.coverage_boolean [on|off]
If set to on, the only data that will be stored is whether or not each block was executed. If off, the number of times each block was executed is also recorded. Setting this option to on will cause your program to compile and run slightly faster.
insure++.coverage_map_data [on|off]
If set to on, coverage analysis data is collected whenever applications are compiled. Such applications are then candidates for collecting coverage analysis data at runtime. Setting this value to off disables this. Applications must be compiled with this option on before the runtime coverage analysis options have any effect.
insure++.coverage_map_file filename
Specifies the name of the file to which the coverage analysis database will be written. Filenames may be specified using any of the standard methods that make sense at compile time. (See "Filenames".). For example, you cannot use %p or %D with this option. If this option is not specified, the default filename is used.


insure++.coverage_banner [on|off]
If set to on, a message is displayed at runtime indicating the file to which coverage analysis data will be written. Setting this to off disables this message.
insure++.coverage_log_data [on|off]
If set to on, coverage analysis data is collected whenever applications which have been compiled for coverage analysis are executed. Setting this value to off disables this.
insure++.coverage_log_file filename
Specifies the name of the file to which coverage analysis data will be written. Filenames may be specified using any of the standard methods. (See "Filenames".). If this option is not specified, the default filename "tca.log" is used.
insure++.coverage_overwrite [on|off]
Indicates how data from successive application runs will be merged with any existing data. If on the existing log file will be overwritten each time your application runs. If this is turned off, then each run causes new data to be added to the existing log file to form a new, combined result. In this mode, the log file data will still be discarded if the executable has changed since the last recorded log data.
insure++.coverage_switches switches
Specifies the command line arguments to be passed to the tca command when it is executed as a result of a "summarize coverage" option. Command line switches are as shown on the tca manual page. (See Manual Pages, or the on-line manual entry for tca).

Running tca

registertool TCA version
Used for internal maintenance. This option should not be modified.
tca.password arg1 arg2 arg3
Used for internal maintenance. This option should not be added or modified by hand. Licenses should be managed with pslic.

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