Roger's Black Rock Desert Page
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Site Name: Black Rock Desert
95 miles NE of Reno, just east of Gerlach, NV.
Land Use Category:
Description of site:
The region is dominated by a lengthy playa, known as the
"largest flat place on earth." It attracts numerous unusual
activities, including the annual Burning Man festival,
and high speed automobile trials. The official
one-mile land speed record was recorded here in 1983:
633.468 mph, by the vehicle Thrust 2. It is also a popular place for
model rocketry and land-sailing.
Oh and its also a good place for off-road driving (that's
why this page exists)!
Here are some links to trip reports and other information:
Back to my 4x4 Trips Page
Back to my 4Runner page.
===>> ![picture of the Author](../../Images/rogerb.gif)
Last updated: 04.MAR.1999