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Insure++ Reference - Interface Functions

Part II

Interface Functions

This section lists the Insure++ specific functions that can be called from Insure++ interface files. The use of these functions is described in the section " Interfaces". This description gives only a brief summary of the purpose and arguments of the various functions. Probably the best way to see their purpose is to look at the source code for the interfaces shipped with Insure++, which can be found in subdirectories of the main Insure++ installation directory with names such as src.sun4/cc, src.hp9/cc, etc.

Bend Note that these functions, despite appearances, are not C functions that you can insert into your C code. They can only be used in Insure++ interface files to be compiled with iic.

Memory Block Declaration Routines

These functions are used to indicate the usage of memory blocks. They do not actually allocate or free memory.

Memory Checking Routines

These functions report the appropriate Insure++ error message if the check fails.

Function Pointer Checks

Opaque Types

Printf/scanf Checking

  • void iic_input_format(char *format_string);
    Indicates that the indicated string and the arguments following it should be checked as though they were a scanf style format string. This function should be called from the interface before activating the function being checked.

  • void iic_output_format (char *format_string);
    Indicates that the indicated string and the arguments following it should be checked as though they were a printf style format string.

  • void iic_post_input_format (int ntokens);
    This function can be called after an iic_input_format check and a call to an input function to check that the indicated number of tokens did not corrupt memory when read. If the argument is omitted, all the tokens from the iic_input_format string are checked.

  • int iic_strlenf(char *format_string, ...);
    Returns the length of the string after substitution of the subsequent arguments, which are interpreted as a printf style format string.

  • int iic_vstrlenf(char *format_string, va_list ap);
    Returns the length of the string after substitution of the argument, which must be the standard type for a variable argument list. The format_string argument is interpreted in the normal printf style.

Utility Functions


Variable Arguments



  • void iic_exit(void)
    Indicates that the function specified by the interface is going to exit. This allows Insure++ to close its files and perform any necessary cleanup activity before the program terminates.

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