
Parasoft Tools that Debug

ParaSoft Files Trademark Infringement Lawsuit Against North Carolina Based Company

MONROVIA, CA. (February 15, 1999) - ParaSoft, leading provider of software productivity solutions, announced today that it has filed a lawsuit for trademark infringement and related causes of action against Parasoft Computing Solutions of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

ParaSoft, which was established in 1987, registered the name ParaSoft with the Patent and Trademark office as an incontestable name and received its registered trademark on October 1, 1996 (reg. # 2,004,140). When it was discovered that another software company had been using the same name, ParaSoft decided to take legal action.

"We are determined to protect the name of our company," said ParaSoft CEO Dr. Adam Kolawa. "We have worked very hard to ensure that the ParaSoft name is associated with the highest quality of software solutions for various industries. Someone else using our name is simply unacceptable."

In addition to having the same name, both companies are involved in software development. ParaSoft provides error prevention and error detection tools for software developers and managers, and Parasoft Computing Solutions provides customized software systems and products to transportation and related industries. Moreover, the website URL for Parasoft Computing Solutions is close enough to that of ParaSoft to cause concern that ParaSoft customers might go to the wrong website and wonder why they cannot find ParaSoft products.

According to ParaSoft's attorney, Mark Scarsi of O'Melveny and Meyers LLP, "ParaSoft is committed to protecting its valuable intellectual property, including its various patented technologies, its copyrighted software and its federally registered name."

"We want the assurance of knowing that when people hear the name ParaSoft, they think of us," says Kolawa. "That is why we registered our name in the first place."

About ParaSoft:

ParaSoft provides state-of-the-art software solutions for companies across industries, and the individuals whose work supports them, to help them improve productivity and reach their maximum potential. ParaSoft products include software development tools, retail industry solutions, advanced web applications, and e-commerce solutions. ParaSoft's headquarters is located at 2031 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016. Telephone (888) 305-0041. Fax: (626) 305-3036. Email: info@parasoft.com. URL: www.parasoft.com.


All brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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For more information: call (888) 305-0041 x313, fax (626) 305-3036, or email sierra@parasoft.com

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