
Parasoft Tools that Debug

C++ Defensive Programming:
Firewalls and Debugging Information

Michael Aivazis, ParaSoft

Table of Contents


In this article, we present two proactive programming techniques that assist in producing more robust code with minimal overhead in both programmer effort and runtime performance. These techniques, "firewalls" and "debugging information", are natural extensions of proven programming practices.

A firewall is a point in the logical flow of a program where the validity of logical constraints is checked. If the constraint is satisfied, execution proceeds. If the constraint is violated, the firewall triggers and generates an appropriate error message. The triggering of a firewall is a severe error that indicates that the program is logically inconsistent. There are two different ways one can recover from a firewall and both require modifications in the code. The first is to locate the part of the code that generated the constraint violation and rewrite it. The other possibility is that the constraint enforced by the firewall was improperly expressed, unduly restrictive or incorrect. The correct recovery in this situation is to rewrite the firewall so that it reflects the correct constraint more accurately. In either case, the modifications required lead to code that is cleaner and more maintainable.

The debugging information system offers the advantages of inserting diagnostic output in appropriate places in the code and adds manifold flexibility. Traditionally, while a piece of code is first written, the programmer spends considerable time writing diagnostic code in order to monitor the program execution. Typically, these pieces of code are removed after the initial debugging session. The system presented here allows for the grouping of related pieces of information by name and places them under the control of an environment variable. In this manner, only the information relevant to the current debugging session is displayed and the effort that is expended in generating this information is not wasted. If desired, such statements can be automatically disabled for the production system, using specially constructed classes for C++ programs and the preprocessor for C programs.


As stated earlier, a firewall is a point in the logical flow of a program where the validity of the assumptions made by the code that follows is asserted. Verifying that these assumptions are indeed correct is distinct from normal error checking. Invalid user input or a bad return value from some system call are reasons to generate error message, throw exceptions or employ whatever error reporting mechanism the designer of the system has chosen, but are not reasons to trigger a firewall.

The firing of a firewall is an alarm for the developer and indicates that the internal state of the program is inconsistent. It could happen, for example, if a function that expects its integer argument to be strictly positive receives either zero or a negative number. Another example is a function that expects a pointer argument that is implicitly assumed to be non-null. Such a function is very likely to dereference this argument without first checking whether it is a null pointer.

There are two ways to recover from the firing of a firewall: either the constraint expressed in the firewall is bad, i.e. violating it is correct behavior for the program, or the code before the firewall must be modified so that the constraint is not violated.

In some sense, a firewall is live documentation that must be maintained and can never be out of sync with the correct state of the program, so that it always reflects accurately the expectations of the designer. At first, most firewalls appear trivial and superfluous. However, experience with large projects shows that as software systems evolve and age, the implicit assumptions they make on their environment become more and more likely to be violated. In many cases, even the original designer of a piece of code will have a hard time reconstructing what constitutes proper use of a piece of code.

Design Goals

The ideal system for the validation of the internal consistency of a software system would generate firewalls automatically based on the surrounding code. Unfortunately, such a system is still outside the realm of the currently feasible and the burden of implementing and maintaining the consistency checks rests mainly with the programmer.

A practical alternative is to provide a method by which expressing the system invariants is simple, easy to learn and has very high return value in exchange for a negligible overhead, both in terms of system performance and developer productivity.

Firewalls should not alter the execution flow of a program. This requirement is important in order to ensure that the code being tested is in all respects identical to the shipping version. Firewall should have a negligible impact on the performance of the shipping version. For the in-house version, the overhead should still be small enough so that performance is not seriously compromised. The system should be simple to learn and maintain so that its use is effortless. The constraint validation should consist of simple checks that generally avoid allocating large memory blocks or calling expensive routines. Such testing is almost certainly useful, but it is beyond the scope of firewalls.


One of the simplest cases of firewalls is validating that the parameters passed to a function satisfy trivial constraints. For example, if a function assumes that a pointer argument is non-null and the required check is deemed an unacceptable performance penalty for the production system, the check can be implemented as a firewall.

Suppose that we are implementing a doubly linked circular list in terms of a ListNode class. ListNodes have two pointers to other ListNodes, the _next and _prev fields, and a few convenience functions.

The ListNode class might look something like the following:

	class ListNode
	    ListNode() : _prev(this), _next(this) {}
	    void join(ListNode *);
	// Other methods follow ...
	// Implementation
	    ListNode * _prev;
	    ListNode * _next;

The method join takes a pointer to another ListNode and arranges the ListNode pointers so that the new node is inserted after it:

	// join: insert newNode after me
	// Assumes that newNode is not null
	void ListNode::join(ListNode * newNode)
	    _newNode->_prev = this;
	    _newNode->_next = _next;
	    _next->_prev = newNode;
	    _next = newNode;


This piece of code contains three pointer dereferences and doesn't test any of them. The rationale is simple. The parameter newNode is not allowed to be null, by design; there is a comment right above the implementation that states this requirement very clearly. This implies that the first two lines in the method join are safe. Also, recall that this node is supposed to be part of a circular list, so _next and _prev always point to other ListNodes.

The fundamental flaw in this argument is that these constraints are largely in the mind of the implementers of this class, or at best, is partly reflected in the overall design of the software system. Unfortunately, the comments surrounding a piece of code are tossed out by the preprocessor and do not turn into executable statements. In practice, it is easy to imagine how either or both of these assumptions could be violated.

The above code could be made significantly more robust by using the assert macro, available with most modern C and C++ compilers. The assert macro takes an expression as an argument. If the expression evaluates to true, execution resumes with the statement that follows. If the expression is false, an error message is sent to stderr and the program is forced to terminate. On UNIX systems one gets an IO trap that results in the generation of a core file, which in turn allows the developer to pinpoint the reason for the assertion failure. The runtime check can be removed by merely recompiling the code with the symbol NODEBUG defined on the compiler command line, eliminating the runtime overhead for the production system. A more conscientious developer might use this facility and improve the above code as follows:

	// join: insert newNode after me
	// Assumes that newNode is not null
	void ListNode::join(ListNode * newNode)

	// Enforce a non-null newNode
	    assert(newNode != 0);

	    _newNode->_prev = this;
	    _newNode->_next = _next;

	// Verify that my _next pointer is non-null
	    assert(_next != 0);

	    _next->_prev = newNode;
	    _next = newNode;


The assert macro succeeds very well in satisfying both design goals. It enforces the assumptions made by the designer and its impact on the performance is small for the in-house version and non-existent for the production system. It suffers from the following drawbacks:

  1. It treats all constraint violations uniformly: it halts the program, making it less likely to be used as often as possible.
  2. It is cumbersome to use when the assertion is a lengthy expression or an expression that must be evaluated in discrete steps.

The class Firewall proposed here addresses both of these drawbacks. This class provides a static method assert that is a direct replacement of the assert macro. Using Firewalls, we would rewrite the above code as follows:

	// join: insert newNode after me
	// Assumes that newNode is not null

	void ListNode::join(ListNode * newNode)
	// Enforce a non-null newNode
	        newNode != 0,
	        "node 0x%08lx: appending null node", this

	// Verify that my _next pointer is non-null
	        _next != 0,
	        "node 0x%08lx: null _next pointer", this

	// Append newNode
	    _newNode->_prev = this;
	    _newNode->_next = _next;
	    _next->_prev = newNode;
	    _next = newNode;


The static method Firewall::assert takes a variable number of arguments. The first is an expression that should evaluate to a bool . The second, __HERE__, is a preprocessor macro that expands into as much information about the location of the firewall as is available from the preprocessor. Generally, this means at least __FILE__ and __LINE__, giving filename and line number. Under gcc, __FUNCTION__ is also used. The third argument is a printf-style format string that is used to generate a message at runtime. The subsequent arguments if any, obey the same rules as the arguments to printf. In this example, we have printed the address of the offending node, to assist in tracking down the problem with the debugger.

For constraint validation that is a little more involved, Firewall offers the method active which evaluates to true when firewalls are enabled. Also the method hit provides an unconditional firewall. Examples of both are shown below, where we re-write join to include a check that this node is indeed part of a doubly linked list.

	// join: insert newNode after me
	// Assumes that newNode is not null

	void ListNode::join(ListNode * newNode)
	// Check assumptions
	    if (Firewall::active()) {
	    // Check _next pointer
	        if (!_next) {
	                __HERE__, "node 0x%08lx: null _next pointer", this

	    // Check _prev pointer
	        if (!_prev) {
	                __HERE__, "node 0x%08lx: null _prev pointer", this
	    // Validate forward links
	        if (!_next->_prev != this) {
	                __HERE__, "node 0x%08lx: corrupt forward links", this

	    // Validate backward links
	        if (!_prev->_next != this) {
	                __HERE__, "node 0x%08lx: corrupt backward links", this

	    // Check newNode
	        if (!newNode) {
	                __HERE__, "node 0x%08lx: null _prev pointer", this

	// Append newNode
	    _newNode->_prev = this;
	    _newNode->_next = _next;
	    _next->_prev = newNode;
	    _next = newNode;


In addition to the methods presented here, Firewall provides a lot of support for interactive use during a debugging session. For example, each method that generates a firewall hit calls the method Firewall::trap so that there is a convenient location for a break point. Firewalls can be enabled or disabled from the debugger by calling the method Firewall::active. Users whose debuggers cannot call functions can always set the underlying data members directly.


The implementation of the class Firewall is very straightforward. If the symbol FIREWALL is not defined either in some header file or on the compiler command line, the class Firewall collapses into trivial inline functions that should be completely thrown away by the optimizing phase of the compiler.

	class Firewall
	    static bool active() { return false; }
	    static void hit(const char *, ...) { return; }
	    static void assert(bool cond, ...) { return; }

Most compilers will evaluate the active method at compile time, since it is an inline that always return false and will not even generate code for the bodies of if statements that call Firewall::active().

The same class looks as follows when the FIREWALL symbol is defined for the preprocessor:

	class Firewall
	    static void trap();
	    static bool active() { return _active; }

	    static void hit(
	        const char *file, long line, const char *fmt = "", ...

	    static void assert(
	        bool cond,
	        const char *file, long line, const char *fmt = "", ...

	    static void _init();    // bootstrap the firewall system
	    static bool _active;    // true if firewalls are enabled
	    static bool _fatal;     // true if firewalls should halt the program


This facility can be extended in a variety of ways. For example, an obvious extension would allow firewalls to be controlled by the setting of an environment variable, e.g. FIREWALLS. The setting supported would be "off", "on" and "fatal" the latter causing the program to terminate as soon as any firewall hits.

The messages generated by the firewall system should be made consistent with whatever error reporting mechanism is used by the rest of the application. It is easy to extend the Firewall class to allow redirection of the firewall messages to an arbitrary stream. Other approaches are also equally easy. For example, the Firewall class currently in use at ParaSoft knows how to generate firewall messages that appear to our error reporting mechanisms as error messages with their own set of suppression fields. The can be sent to stderr or redirected to Insra, the GUI message collector for all ParaSoft tools.

Another extension is generating stack traces when a firewall hits. At ParaSoft we have two implementations of this: one which relies on bookkeeping information maintained by the Firewall class itself, and another which unwinds the stack from the current program counter location.

Debugging Information

Consider a function that takes as an argument the name of an external program and is responsible for spawning it as a separate process and setting up a pipe so that the parent can control the child. For our purposes, we will set up a one-way communication channel; a more realistic example would set up a bi-directional pipe. The code might look something like this:

	bool OS::spawn(string program, int & child_pid, int & channel)
	    int to_child[2];
	    if (pipe(to_child) < 0) {
	        return false;

	    child_pid = fork();

	// Handle fork failure
	    if (child_pid < 0) {
	        return false;
	// The parent process
	    if (child_pid > 0) { 
	        close(to_child[0]);        // Close the unusable end of the pipe
	        channel = to_child[1];     // Return the write side of the pipe

	        return true;

	// The child process
	    close(to_child[1]);            // Close the unusable end of the pipe
	    dup(to_child[0]);              // read-side -> stdin

	    OS::execvp(program);           // Spawn the program

	    exit(-1);                      // If we get here, OS::execvp failed!

During the initial development of this code, it is very likely that the developer inserted code that generated appropriate messages as execution proceeded along the various stages of this code. These diagnostics might have included informational items such as the process id of the parent and the child and the actual file descriptor number assigned by the system to this pipe. It is also very likely that the error handling branches generated diagnostics as well, since knowing that the error handling code was not executed gives good feedback about the correctness of the code.

However, the production system has no need for such verbose output. Therefore, the developer deleted all the carefully formatted and well thought out diagnostics leaving the code as shown above.

Unfortunately, this effort will almost certainly be duplicated during a bug fix. The first time a developer experiences strange behavior while attempting to spawn an external utility, she will have to write diagnostic code very similar to the original ones.

This problem can be solved permanently by designing a facility which allows the diagnostics to reside permanently in the code, forces the developers to maintain them and can selectively turn them on whenever needed. Just like firewalls, this system should collapse for the production system, although it might be useful to let select diagnostics remain available under a command line switch or the setting of some environment variable for debugging in the field.


Such a facility is encapsulated in the class Debug shown below. At compile time, the symbol DEBUG determines which version of the code will be compiled. At runtime, individual categories of debugging information can be enabled by setting the environment variable DEBUG_OPT to a semicolon-delimited list of debug categories.

When the DEBUG symbol is not defined, the class Debug reduces to the following:

	class Debug
	    Debug(const char *) {}
	    static bool active()               { return false; }
	    static void out(const char *, ...) { return; }

whereas the fully functional version is given by

	 class Debug
	    Debug(const char * category);
	    bool active() const { return _active; }
	    void out(const char *file, long line, const char * format, ...) const;

	    static void trap();

	    const char * _category; // Not a string, so no overhead until used
	    bool _active;

	    static bool _showAll;


Let's revisit our OS::spawn method and sprinkle some diagnostics. We instantiate an object of class Debug with debugging category set to "OS::spawn" and then we will use this object to generate messages.

	bool OS::spawn(string program, int & child_pid, int & channel)
	    int to_child[2];
	    Debug info("OS::spawn");       // Here is the Debug instance

	    if (pipe(to_child) < 0) {
	        info.out("OS::spawn: pipe() failed!");
	        return false;
	    info.out("OS::spawn: ready to fork()");
	    child_pid = fork();

	// Handle fork failure
	    if (child_pid < 0) {
	        info.out("OS::spawn: fork() failed!");
	        return false;

	// The parent process
	    if (child_pid > 0) { 
	        info.out("OS::spawn: parent process: child_pid=%d", child_pid);

	        close(to_child[0]);        // Close the unusable end of the pipe
	        channel = to_child[1];     // Return the write side of the pipe

	        return true;

	// The child process
	    close(to_child[1]);            // Close the unusable end of the pipe
	    dup(to_child[0]);              // read end -> stdin

	    info.out("OS::spawn: child process: calling OS::execvp");
	    OS::execvp(program);           // Spawn the program

	    exit(-1);                      // If we get here, OS::execvp failed!

This version of the code is much more stable than the previous one. It is much less likely that it will be modified during a debugging session since most of what it does can be observed and validated without even recompiling it. But it can be made even more useful. A typical problem encountered with code that sets up communication channels with other processes is testing the overall robustness of the code. For example, if the child process dies and the parent attempts to write to the pipe, a SIGPIPE is generated by most UNIX variants.

Using the Debug class we can simulate this failure. Consider the following fragment

	bool OS::spawn(string program, int & child_pid, int & channel)

	// The child process
	    close(to_child[1]);            // Close the unusable end of the pipe
	    Debug fail("OS:spawn-fail");
	    if (fail.active()) {
	        fail.out("OS::spawn: simulating execvp failure ...");

	    dup(to_child[0]);              // Make the read end of the pipe our stdin
	    info.out("OS::spawn: child process: calling OS::execvp");
	    OS::execvp(program);           // Spawn the program

	    exit(-1);                      // If we get here, OS::execvp failed!

This way the user of this code can test how well their code behaves when this particular facility fails to perform as advertised.


The techniques presented here minimize the amount of wasted programming effort, maximize the functional code created and increase the internal code consistency. Programmers who learn to use these techniques will find themselves less likely to misuse their own code.

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