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Finding Environment Information

Each shell maintains an environment with a set of specifications that it gets from the user's initialization files (.profile for the Bourne and Korn shells or .cshrc and .login for the C shell) or from environment variables set interactively from a shell. These environment variables can specify information such as the user's home directory, login name, default printer, location for e-mail messages, and path for accessing the OpenWindows environment. This section describes how to find environment variable settings (env). See Chapter 8, "Understanding Shells," for more information.

To find a user's environment variable settings, type env and press Return. A list of the environment variables and their settings is displayed. See Chapter 1, "Introducing Solaris System Administration," for a list of the default environment variables and for information on how to set them.

This example shows the environment variable settings for user ignatz:

oak% env
/home/ignatz/bin:/bin:/home/bin: /etc:/usr/etc
c:3i:3n:3m:3k:3g:3e:3x11:3xt:3w: 3b :9:4:5:7:8

Creating and Editing Files

This section describes how to create and edit files using these commands: cat, touch, cp, mv, Text Editor, and vi.

Using the cat Command

Use the cat command to create short files or to append a small amount of text to an existing file. Follow these steps to create files using the cat command:

1.  Type cat > filename and press Return.
2.  Type the text into the new file.
3.  Press Return.
4.  Press Control-D. The text is saved and the shell prompt is redisplayed.

Follow these steps to append text to an existing file:

1.  Type cat >> filename and press Return.
2.  Type the text to be appended to the file.
3.  Press Return.
4.  Press Control-D. The text is saved and the shell prompt is redisplayed.

To view the contents of the file, type cat filename and press Return. The contents of the file are displayed. If the file is too long to fit in the terminal window, it'll fly by and show you the lines at the end of the file that fit in the window or on the screen.

The following example creates a file named kookaburra with the first verse of the kookaburra song, displays the contents of the file, appends the second verse to the file, and displays the contents again:

castle% cat > kookaburra
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry merry king of the bush is he
Laugh kookaburra, laugh kookaburra
Gay your life must be.

castle% cat kookaburra
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry merry king of the bush is he
Laugh kookaburra, laugh kookaburra
Gay your life must be.

castle% cat >> kookaburra
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop kookaburra, stop kookaburra
Leave some there for me.
castle% cat kookaburra
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry merry king of the bush is he
Laugh kookaburra, laugh kookaburra
Gay your life must be.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop kookaburra, stop kookaburra
Leave some there for me.

Using the touch Command

The touch command sets the access and modification times for each file to the current time. If a file does not exist, an empty one is created. You can use the touch command to create an empty file to check permissions and ownership or to create a file to which you will add text at a later time.

To create an empty file, type touch filename and press Return. A new empty file is created. If the file exists, then its modification time is updated to the current date and time.

The following example uses the ls command to determine that there is not a file named junk, creates the file, and uses the ls command to verify that the empty file is created:

oak% ls -l junk
junk:  No such file or directory
oak% touch junk
oak% ls -l junk
-rw-r--r--  1 irving     staff Ø Sep 11 15:Ø6 junk

Copying (cp) or Renaming (mv) an Existing File

You can create a new file by copying or renaming an existing file.

To copy an existing file, type cp old-filename new-filename and press Return. You have made a copy of the file, retaining the original one:

oak% cp quest oldquest

To move (and rename) an existing file, type mv old-filename new-filename and press Return. You have changed the name of the file and removed the old one.

oak% mv quest /tmp/quest.old

Using Text Editor

You can use the OpenWindows Text Editor to create and edit files. You may, however, have problems using Text Editor to edit files that have root permissions.

To start Text Editor from the OpenWindows workspace from the Workspace menu, choose Programs. Then choose Text Editor from the Programs menu. To start Text Editor from a command line, type /usr/openwin/bin/textedit & and press Return. A Text Editor window is displayed. Use the commands from the Edit menu or the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo keys from the keyboard to make editing changes.

If you are running CDE you can use the CDE Text Editor to create and edit files. To start Text Editor from the CDE front panel, click on the Personal Applications menu and click on Text Editor. To start the CDE Text Editor from the command line, type /usr/dt/bin/dtpad& and press Return. A Text Editor window is displayed. Use the commands from the Edit menu or the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo keys from the keyboard to make editing changes.

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