Using Tables

Tables are the fundamental building blocks with which to store data within your database. Before you can begin to add, retrieve, or modify data within your database, you will first have to construct your tables to house that data.

This section covers how to create, modify and destroy tables, using the CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE SQL commands. (If you need information on creating a database to work within, see Chapter 9.)

Creating Tables with CREATE TABLE

The SQL command to create a table is CREATE TABLE. This command requires, at a minimum, the name for the new table and a description for each column. A column description consists of the column name and data type. The create table command accepts several optional parameters: column constraints (which are rules on what data is or is not allowed within a column), and table constraints (general limitations and relationships defined on the table itself).


The following is the syntax for CREATE TABLE with a detailed explanation of the terms used.

  CREATE [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] TABLE table_name (
         { column_name type [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] | table_constraint }
         [, ... ]
         ) [ INHERITS ( inherited_table [, ... ] ) ]


The TEMPORARY or TEMP SQL keyword causes the created table to automatically be destroyed upon the end of the active session to PostgreSQL. A temporary table may have the same name as an existing table, and until the temp table is destroyed, any references to that table name will utilize the temporary table. Any indices placed on this table will be temporary, and destroyed in the same fashion at the end of the session.


The table_name is the identifier that your table will be named with once created. The opening parenthesis symbol indicates the beginning of the column definitions.

{ column_name type [ column_constraint ] | table_constraint }

Each table column and table constraint is defined within the parentheses following the table name, separated by commas. Column definitions must contain a valid identifier for a name, followed by a valid data type, and may optionally include a column constraint. The requirements of column constraint definitions are dependent on the constraint, and described in the section called Using Constraints in Chapter 7. Table constraints and columns may be mixed in this grouped list, though it is common practice to list columns first, followed by any table constraints.

[, ... ]

Each column definition may be followed by a comma in order to define a subsequent column after it. The ellipses denote that you may enter as many columns as you wish (up to the limit of 1600). Be sure that you do not follow the last column or constraint in the list with a comma, as is allowed in languages like Perl; this will cause a parsing error.

INHERITS ( inherited_table [, ...] )

The Object-Relational capabilities of PostgreSQL allow for you to specify one or more tables (in a grouped, comma-delimited list) from which your table will inherit. This optional specification creates an implied parent-child relationship between tables. This relatively new technique to RDBMSs is discussed in more detail in the section called Inheritance in Chapter 7.


The terms column_constraint and table_constraint in the above syntax definition refer to sets of potentially complex constraint definitions. The syntax for these various constraints is listed in detail in the section called Using Constraints in Chapter 7.

Creating an example table

As an example, the syntax to create Book Town's books table is demonstrated in Example 4-6.

Example 4-6. Creating the "books" Table

booktown=# CREATE TABLE books (
booktown(#              id integer UNIQUE,
booktown(#              title text NOT NULL,
booktown(#              author_id integer,
booktown(#              subject_id integer,
booktown(#              CONSTRAINT books_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
booktown(#              );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
'books_pkey' for table 'books'

The CREATE output following the execution of the statement indicates that the table was successfully created. If you receive an error message, check your punctuation and spelling to make sure you have entered the correct syntax. Receiving no message at all means that you probably left open a quote, parenthesis, or other special character symbol.

Additionally, the NOTICE statement serves to inform you that in order to properly complete the creation of this table as described, an implicit index called books_pkey will be created.

Examining a created table

Once created, you may use the \d describe command (followed by the table name) within psql to display the structure of the table, and its constraints (if any). Example 4-7 shows the output of \d when it is used to describe the books table created in the last section.

Notice that this format does not show actual row data, but instead places each column and its attributes in its own row, essentially turning the table on its side. This is done for the sake of clarity, as many tables can grow too large to fit on a screen (or on a page) horizontally. This format is the convention used throughout this book when examining table structure without data.

Example 4-7. The \d Command's Output

booktown=#  \d books
          Table "books"
 Attribute  |  Type   | Modifier
 id         | integer | not null
 title      | text    | not null
 author_id  | integer |
 subject_id | integer |
Index: books_id_pkey

The list below provides a more detailed explanation of the fields and terms shown in Example 4-7.


The id column is a numeric identifier which is unique to each book. It is defined as being of the data type integer, and has on it the following constraints:


This constraint ensures that the column always has a unique value. A column with the UNIQUE constraint set may ordinarily contain empty (NULL values, but any attempt to insert duplicate values will fail. The id column is also designed to be used as the PRIMARY KEY.


While not displayed in the \d breakdown, you can see in our original CREATE TABLE statement that this table's primary key is defined on the id column. Placing the constraint of PRIMARY KEY on a column implicitly sets both the NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraints as well.


This constraint is set automatically by setting the PRIMARY KEY constraint. It ensures that the ID column always has a value. Data for this column can never be empty, and any attempt to insert NULL values will fail.


The title column of the book must contain character strings of type text. The text type is more flexible than varchar, and is a good choice for this column, as it does not require that you specify the maximum number of characters allowed. This column has the NOT NULL constraint, indicating that a row's title column cannot ever be empty or set to NULL.


The author_id column must contain values of type integer, and relates to the authors table. There are no constraints placed on this column, as sometimes an author may not be known for a title (making NOT NULL inappropriate), and an author may show up more than once (making UNIQUE inappropriate as well).


The subject_id is similar to the author_id column, as it may contain values of type integer, and relates to the subjects table. Again, there are no constraints on the contents of this column, as many books may fall under the same subject.

While a table's structure can be modified after it has been created, the available modifications are limited. These include, for example, re-naming the table, re-naming its columns, and adding new columns. As of PostgreSQL 7.1.x, dropping columns from a table is not supported. It is therefore a good practice to thoughtfully and carefully plan your table structures before creating them.

Altering Tables with ALTER TABLE

Most mature RDBMSs offer methods by which you may alter the properties of existing tables via the ALTER TABLE command. The PostgreSQL implementation of ALTER TABLE allows for six total types of table modifications as of version 7.1.x:

Adding columns

You can add a new column to a table using the ALTER TABLE command's ADD COLUMN clause. Example 4-8 shows the syntax of the ALTER TABLE command's ADD COLUMN.

Example 4-8. Syntax of the ALTER TABLE Command

        ADD [ COLUMN ] column_name column_type


The name of the table to modify.


The name of the column to add.


The data type of the new column.

Technically, the COLUMN keyword may be omitted; it is considered a noise term, and is only useful for your own readability.

As an example of adding a column, imagine that an industrious employee at Book Town decides that the books table requires another column; specifically, a date column to represent the publication date. Such a procedure is demonstrated in Example 4-9.

Example 4-9. Adding a Column

booktown=# ALTER TABLE books
booktown-#       ADD publication date;
booktown=# \d books
          Table "books"
  Attribute  |  Type   | Modifier
 id          | integer | not null
 title       | text    | not null
 author_id   | integer |
 subject_id  | integer |
 publication | date    |
Index: books_pkey

Example 4-9 successfully adds a new column to Book Town's books table with the name of the publication, and a data type of date. It also demonstrates a pitfall of uncoordinated table design among developers: in our examples, the Book Town editions table already stores the publication date, so the column should not have been added to the books table. See the section called Re-structuring Existing Tables for information on how to re-structure a table after such a mistake has been made.

Setting and removing default values

The most flexible table modification pertains to the default values of columns. These values may be both set and removed from a column with relative ease via the ALTER TABLE command's ALTER COLUMN clause.

The following syntax passed to PostgreSQL describes how to use ALTER TABLE in order to either set, or remove a default value of value from a column named column_name:

        ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name
        { SET DEFAULT value | DROP DEFAULT }

Again, the COLUMN keyword is considered noise, and is an optional term used only for improved readability of the statement. Example 4-10 demonstrates setting and dropping a simple default sequence value on the books table's id column.

Example 4-10. Altering Column Defaults

booktown=# ALTER TABLE books
booktown-#       ALTER COLUMN id
booktown-#       SET DEFAULT nextval('book_ids');
booktown=# \d books
                           Table "books"
 Attribute  |  Type   |                  Modifier
 id         | integer | not null default nextval('book_ids'::text)
 title      | text    | not null
 author_id  | integer |
 subject_id | integer |
Index: books_pkey

booktown=# ALTER TABLE books
booktown-#       ALTER id
booktown-#       DROP DEFAULT;
booktown=# \d books
          Table "books"
 Attribute  |  Type   | Modifier
 id         | integer | not null
 title      | text    | not null
 author_id  | integer |
 subject_id | integer |
Index: books_pkey

Re-naming a table

A table may be safely re-named by passing the RENAME clause to the ALTER TABLE command. The following is the syntax to re-name a table.

        RENAME TO new_table

A table may be arbitrarily re-named as many times as you like without affecting the data. This could, of course, be a dangerous thing to do if you are dealing with a table which an external application relies on.

Example 4-11. Re-naming a Table

booktown=# ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO literature;
booktown=# ALTER TABLE literature RENAME TO books;

Re-naming columns

A table's columns may be safely re-named in PostgreSQL without modifying the data contained in the table. Re-naming a column is a dangerous thing to do, because existing applications may use explicit references to column names. If an existing program references a column by name and the column is renamed, the program could cease functioning correctly.

The following syntax describes how to re-name a column.

        RENAME COLUMN column_name TO new_column_name;

As with the other ALTER TABLE commands, the COLUMN keyword is considered noise, and may be optionally omitted. The existence of two identifiers separated by the TO keyword provides enough information for PostgreSQL to determine that you are requesting a column re-name, and not a table re-name. This is demonstrated in Example 4-12.

Example 4-12. Re-naming a Column

booktown=# \d daily_inventory
    Table "daily_inventory"
 Attribute |  Type   | Modifier
 isbn      | text    |
 in_stock  | boolean |

booktown=# ALTER TABLE daily_inventory
booktown-#       RENAME COLUMN in_stock TO is_in_stock;
booktown=# ALTER TABLE daily_inventory
booktown-#       RENAME is_in_stock TO is_stocked;

Adding constraints

Constraints may be added in a limited fashion after a table has been created. As of PostgreSQL 7.1.x, only foreign key constraints may be added to an existing table column. The following is the syntax to add a constraint to a table.

        ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name constraint_definition

The syntax of the constraint_definition is dependent on the type of constraint you wish to add. As foreign keys are the only supported constraint with the ADD CONSTRAINT clause (as of PostgreSQL 7.1.x), the syntax for adding a foreign key to the editions table (which references the books table's id column) is demonstrated in Example 4-13.

Example 4-13. Adding a Foreign Key to a Table

booktown=# ALTER TABLE editions
booktown-#       ADD CONSTRAINT foreign_book
booktown-#       FOREIGN KEY (book_id) REFERENCES books (id);
NOTICE: ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT will create implicit trigger(s)
for FOREIGN KEY check(s)

Any book_id value will now also have to exist in the books table. See the section called Using Constraints in Chapter 7 for more detailed information on constraints, their purpose, and their syntax.

Changing ownership

By default, the creator of a table is automatically its owner. The owner has all rights that can be associated with a table, in addition to the ability to grant and revoke rights with the GRANT and REVOKE commands (see Chapter 10). If ownership must be changed, you can use the ALTER TABLE command's OWNER clause. The syntax to change the ownership of a table from one user to another is:

        OWNER TO new_owner

Example 4-14 demonstrates altering a table's ownership with the ALTER TABLE command's OWNER clause. In it, corwin is set as the owner of the employees table.

Example 4-14. Changing Table Ownership

booktown=# ALTER TABLE employees
booktown-#       OWNER TO corwin;


In order to change the ownership of a table, you must either be the owner of that table, or a PostgreSQL superuser.

Re-structuring Existing Tables

While you have the ability to arbitrarily add new columns to existing tables, remember that (as of PostgreSQL 7.1.x) you cannot drop columns from existing tables. There are two fairly painless workarounds for re-structuring existing tables. The first involves the CREATE TABLE AS command, while the second combines the CREATE TABLE command with the INSERT INTO command.

Each of these methods, in essence, involves creating a new table with your desired structure, filling it up with the data from your existing table, and re-naming the tables so that the new table takes the place of your old table.


When "re-structuring" a table in this fashion, it is important to notice that old indices placed on the original table will not automatically be applied to the newly created table, nor will the OIDs (object identifiers) be the same. Any indices must be dropped and re-created.

Re-structuring with CREATE TABLE AS

One common technique of re-structuring a table is to use the CREATE TABLE command in conjunction with the AS clause and a valid SQL query. This allows you to re-structure your existing table into a temporary table, which can then be re-named. Doing this also allows you to both remove and re-arrange columns to a table by physically re-creating it, and simultaneously re-populating it with data from the original table.

The following syntax describes this limited version of CREATE TABLE, where query is the valid SELECT statement which selects the data to populate the new table with. The data type of each created column is implied by the type of each corresponding column selected by query.

         [ (column_name [, ...] ) ]
         AS query

The advantage to this technique is that you are able to create the new table and populate it in a single SQL command. The most notable limitation of this technique is that there is no comprehensive way to set constraints on the newly created table; the only constraint which may be added to the table after is has been created is the foreign key constraint. Once the new table has been created, the old one can be re-named (or destroyed), and the new one can be re-named to the name of the original table.

Suppose, for example, that you wanted to modify the books table in order to drop the superfluous publication column which was created in the section called Adding columns. You can create a limited copy of the table (designating only the desired columns) by passing a valid SELECT statement to the AS clause of CREATE TABLE, and dropping the old table with DROP TABLE, as shown in Example 4-15.

Example 4-15. Re-structuring a Table with CREATE TABLE AS

booktown=# \d books
          Table "books"
  Attribute  |  Type   | Modifier
 id          | integer | not null
 title       | text    | not null
 author_id   | integer |
 subject_id  | integer |
 publication | date    |
Index: books_pkey

booktown=# CREATE TABLE new_books
booktown-#        (id, title, author_id, subject_id)
booktown-#        AS SELECT id, title, author_id, subject_id
booktown-#                  FROM books;
booktown=# ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO old_books;
booktown=# ALTER TABLE new_books RENAME TO books;
booktown=# \d books
        Table "books"
 Attribute  |  Type   | Modifier
 id         | integer |
 title      | text    |
 author_id  | integer |
 subject_id | integer |

booktown=# DROP TABLE books;

Re-structuring with CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO

If you require a more specifically defined table than that created by CREATE TABLE AS (e.g., one with column constraints), you can replicate the effect of the CREATE TABLE AS technique by issuing two SQL statements rather than one. This is achieved by first creating the new table as you ordinarily would with CREATE TABLE, and then populating the table with data via the INSERT INTO command and a valid SELECT statement.

Example 4-16. Re-structuring a Table with CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO

booktown=# CREATE TABLE new_books (
booktown(#   id integer UNIQUE,
booktown(#   title text NOT NULL,
booktown(#   author_id integer,
booktown(#   subject_id integer,
booktown(#   CONSTRAINT books_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
booktown(# );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'books_id_pkey' 
for table 'new_books'
booktown=# INSERT INTO new_books
booktown-#             SELECT id, title, author_id, subject_id
booktown-#                    FROM books;
booktown=# ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO old_books;
booktown=# ALTER TABLE new_books RENAME TO books;
booktown=# \d books
          Table "books"
 Attribute  |  Type   | Modifier
 id         | integer | not null
 title      | text    | not null
 author_id  | integer |
 subject_id | integer |
Index: books_id_pkey

See the section called Inserting values from other tables with SELECT for more information on using the INSERT INTO command with a SELECT statement, and the section called Retrieving Rows with SELECT for more information on valid SELECT statements.

Destroying Tables with DROP TABLE

The SQL command to permanently destroy a table is DROP TABLE. The following is the syntax for DROP TABLE, where table is the table that you wish to destroy:

  DROP TABLE tablename

Caution must be taken when dropping a table, as it destroys all data associated with the table as well.


Destroying a table with an implicitly-created index will destroy any associated indices.